South Africa Radio League   - AWARDS
All Africa Award
Worked All ZS Award
Top Band Award

All Africa Award

The All Africa Award is sponsored by the South African Radio League. Its aim is to encourage more QSOs with African countries.

Applicants must prove having made contact with the following 31 areas:

· One contact with a station in each of the six call areas of South Africa (ZS1 to ZS6)
· One contact in each of 25 African countries outside South Africa.

Only contacts with stations on the African continent are valid. African islands and ship-based stations do not count. "Country" means a country according to the DXCC list maintained by the ARRL. Deleted countries also count, provided that contacts were made while the country existed.

Application must be made in writing. A list of QSL cards must be included. The list must be certified by an official of a local radio club or two licenced radio amateurs, who have seen the QSL cards. The list must contain at least the following information:

· UTC date and time of the contact
· Callsign of the station
· Transmission mode
· Frequency band
· Name of the country

Endorsements for single modes and/or bands can be requested.

Include US$ 10,00 or 10 IRCs to cover postage and handling charges. The award is free to members of the South African Radio League.

Applications should be addressed to:
The Awards Manager
South African Radio League
PO Box 1721
Strubensvalleil 1735
South Africa.
Email enquiries can be directed to

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Worked all ZS Award

The Worked all ZS Award is available to all Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners.

Applicants must prove two way contacts (or SWL reports) with 100 South African stations. The stations must represent the different call areas as follows:

ZS1 16 contacts
ZS2 8 contacts
ZS3 1 contacts
ZS4 6 contacts
ZS5 13 contacts
ZS6 56 contacts

The following general rules apply:
Contacts may be made on any Amateur band.
Endorsements for a single mode and/or band may be requested.
All contacts after 1 January 1958 count.

South African applicants should send QSL cards, a list of contact details and a handling and postage charge of R 10,00. This award is free to members of the South African Radio League.

Foreign applicants should submit a list of QSL cards, certified by an official of a local radio club or two licenced radio amateurs that have seen the cards. A handling and postage charge of US$ 10,00 or 10 IRCs must also be included.

Applications should be addressed to:
The Awards Manager
SA Radio League
P.O. Box 1721
Strubensvallei 1735
South Africa

Email enquiries can be directed to

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Top Band Award

The Top Band Certificate is sponsored by the South African Radio League. Its aim is to encourage more 160 m QSOs with southern African countries

South African stations must submit proof of having contacted at least six different southern African call areas, of which at least five must be in the Republic of South Africa. The sixth contact can be from the remaining South African call area (ZS), or from any of the bordering countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland or Zimbabwe).

DX stations within 1000 km of the borders of South Africa need contact only three call areas in the RSA.

DX stations beyond 1000 km of the borders of the RSA need to contact only two call areas in southern Africa, one of which must be in the RSA.

All contacts after 1 January 1960 are valid for this award.

Contacts must be established in the range of 1800 to 2000 kHz. ZS amateurs can transmit between 1810 and 1850 kHz.

Endorsements for single modes can be requested.

South African applicants should send QSL cards, a list of contact details and a handling and postage charge of R 10,00. This award is free to members of the South African Radio League.

Foreign applicants should submit a list of QSL cards, certified by an official of a local radio club or two licenced radio amateurs that have seen the cards. A handling and postage charge of US$ 10,00 or 10 IRCs must also be included.

Applications should be addressed to:
The Awards Manager
SA Radio League
P.O. Box 1721
Strubensvallei 1735
South Africa

Email enquiries can be directed to

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