Awards Issued

The above award can be applied for in accordance with the following conditions.
1) Any licensed amateur radio operator can apply.
2) An extract of the stations log verified by two fellow Hams must accompany the application, indicating the following:
a) Five different members of the Pretoria AR Club have been worked, regardless of location. (verify membership during QSO).
b) One on each of the following 5 amateur HF bands: 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m.
c) The usual log record i.e. time, RST, etc.
3) Any mode may be used.
4) Contacts only after the 1st January 1995 are valid.
5) No QSL cards are required.

Fee: DX, US$2.00, ZR/S/U, R2.00.
Applicants attending a Pretoria AR Club meeting will be presented with the award free of charge. (Please inform Johan ZR6JHB of this intention in advance)

Apply to: Awards Custodian,  Johan de Bruyn - ZR6JHB
    Pretoria Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 73696 Lynwood Ridge
South Africa.

Awards Issued
Award # Callsign Name QTH
1 ZS6P Tjerk Lammers  Pretoria - South Africa
2 ZS6CRT Don Blackburn Pretoria - South Africa
ZS6NB Ken Pickersgill Pretoria - South Africa
ZS6MI  Roy Alexander Pretoria - South Africa